NFOG 2025
NFOG Congress
Uppsala 24-27 August 2025
Abstract submission deadline 28th February
NFOG 2025
Precongress courses
SUNDAY August 24, 10.00-13.00
Sexual violence and the important role of the gynaecologist
The target group is specialists and residents in Gyn & Ob who work at the emergency gynaecological units and examine women subjected to sexual violence.
In this work-shop we present best practise on how to take care of and examine sexual abused women regarding forensic sampling, documentation and psychosocial care. Comparisons between the Nordic countries will be presented and discussed. The increased prevalence of strangulation in connection with sexual abuse will be addressed as well as its consequences. In the workshop, participants will become familiar with evidence collection materials and practice conducting a proper medical and forensic examination after sexual abuse.
Johanna Belachew, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, PhD and director of the National Centre for Knowledge on Men’s Violence against Women, Uppsala University, Sweden
Anna Möller, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology, PhD. Akutmottagningen för våldtagna, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden.
Venue: K1, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Intrapartum fetal surveillance at term
The target group for the is Gyn & Ob residents with basic skills in CTG interpretation and also those who have completed their training. Clinical experience from the labour ward is advantageous for assimilation of the content
In this work-shop on intrapartum CTG monitoring of the term fetus we will use a case study approach with emphasis on understanding fetal physiology and the pathophysiology underlying different CTG patterns. We will discuss fetal response to hypoxia and related CTG traces, use of adjunct methods and discuss timely and appropriate interventions. We will also exemplify labours complicated by chorioamnionitis, fetal growth restriction/ placental insufficiency and previous caesarean section. Furthermore, interdisciplinary teamwork will be integrated in case the discussions.
Maria Jonsson, adjunct Professor and senior consultant. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden
Malin Holzmann, associated Professor senior consultant. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Venue: K2, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
IVF in the Nordic countries -a crash course
The target group for the course is residents and junior specialists in Obstetrics & Gynaecology with basic theoretical and practical knowledge in reproductive endocrinology and fertility treatments.
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive overview of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), focusing on the similarities and differences in IVF practices among the Nordic countries. Through lectures, case studies and interactive discussions, participants will gain insights into the unique healthcare approaches across Nordic countries and learn about the latest advancements and challenges in reproductive medicine. By comparing clinical practices and regulations in the Nordic countries, participants will explore various topics, including infertility management, gamete donation and the role of genetic and anatomical abnormalities in reproductive health. Key complications arising from assisted reproduction will also be discussed. Participants will hopefully gain a deeper understanding of the regional variations in ART and how these influence patient outcomes across the Nordic countries.
Stavros Iliadis, Associate Professor, adjunct lecturer and senior consultant. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden
Evangelia Elenis, Associate Professor and senior consultant. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden
Venue: K3, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Cancer Diagnostics
The target group for the workshop is residents in obstetrics and gynaecology and interested specialists. The aim is to give an overview over today’s diagnostic procedures in gynaecologic cancer. Short lectures will be mixed with interactive case presentations/quiz. The course will cover molecular classification and new FIGO stage in endometrial cancer, ultrasound diagnostics and diagnostic procedures (including coloposcopy) in cervical dysplasia/cancer.
Karin Stålberg, Associate Professor, Senior Consultant, Uppsala University Hospital
Elisabet Epstein, MD, Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Södersjukhuset, Sweden
Anne Hammer, Professor, consultant, PhD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark
Venue: K4, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Hands-On Workshop in Office Hysteroscopy and Endometrial Ablation for Outpatient Gynecology
The target group for the workshop is residents and specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology involved in outpatient gynecology who are interested in adopting or refining office hysteroscopy skills. Through a blend of theoretical instruction and simulator-based training, participants will gain proficiency in hysteroscopy techniques applicable to a clinical office setting.
The introductory theoretical part will cover indications, patient selection, and procedural protocols with focus on pain management as well as operative techniques for successful in-office hysteroscopy. The main focus of the course is simulator-based training where participants practice uterine cavity navigation, biopsy, polypectomy, and foreign body removal as well as endometrial ablation. During the course there will be individual guidance from experienced instructors to improve technique and troubleshoot procedural challenges.
Normedi Nordic will support this session and provide hysteroscopy simulators and MyoSure and NovaSure devices.
Rebecca Götze Eriksson, Senior Consultant, Uppsala University Hospital
Liv Ahlborg, Senior Consultant, Södertälje Hospital
Venue: Wieselsalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
Obstetric ultrasound and fetal medicine
The target group for the workshop is residents in obstetrics and gynaecology with basic knowledge (theoretic and practical) of ultrasound during pregnancy. The aim of the workshop is to understand the principles for estimating fetal well-being and fetal growth during the second and third trimester of pregnancy and to identify the most frequently seen placental and fetal anomalies that can be encountered during routine fetal assessments with ultrasound.
In this workshop we will overview international recommendations for fetal weight assessment and get an in-depth insight in fetal growth restriction including physiologic adaptations of the fetus and principles for fetal Doppler examinations. We will discuss tips and tricks to obtain the standard planes in obstetric ultrasound and evaluate the placenta and cervix. In an interactive session of case studies, we will go through fetal and placental abnormalities as incidental findings when fetal wellbeing is assessed.
Linda Lindström, PhD and senior consultant in obstetrics and fetal medicine. Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
Mårten Ageheim, PhD and senior consultant in obstetrics and fetal medicine. Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
Venue: Kjellbergsalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
Contraception update
This workshop is designed for Ob/Gyn residents, midwives and anyone interested contraception and contraceptive counselling. Focusing on challenging cases where book-knowledge alone is not enough, we will cover situations involving e.g., multi-morbidity, bleeding disturbances and difficult side effects. We will also discuss the newest insights on contragestion and the nuanced area between contraception and early abortion. Participants will work together in small groups to explore real-world scenarios and discuss effective treatment strategies.
Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Frida Gyllenberg, post doc researcher, Uppsala University and University of Helsinki
Oskari Heikinheimo, Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland
Helena Kopp Kallner, Senior Lecturer, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Venue: Nordlandersalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
Menopausal hormone treatment – practical aspects
The target group for the workshop is residents and specialists in obstetrics and gynecology and general medicine as well as midwives who are interested in updating their skills in menopause hormone treatment (MHT).
The aim of this course is to give a short background over time trends in MHT use, summarize the latest international guidelines and risk-benefit considerations and give practical examples on how to pedagogically present this data to those seeking MHT care. We will also discuss possible differences in praxis between the Nordic countries.
Schedule: After short mentimeter-supported lectures, we will use challenging cases to exemplify how health care professionals can discuss the complex evidence landscape with their patients, to consider risks and benefits and together decide about treatment choices.
Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, Professor, Karolinska Institutet
Alkistis Skalkidou, Professor, Uppsala University
Natalia Cruz, PhD, Stockholm
Venue: Rappesalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
SUNDAY August 24, 14.00-17.00
Pain management in endometriosis
Venue: K1, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Intrapartum fetal surveillance at term
The target group for the is Gyn & Ob residents with basic skills in CTG interpretation and also those who have completed their training. Clinical experience from the labour ward is advantageous for assimilation of the content
In this work-shop on intrapartum CTG monitoring of the term fetus we will use a case study approach with emphasis on understanding fetal physiology and the pathophysiology underlying different CTG patterns. We will discuss fetal response to hypoxia and related CTG traces, use of adjunct methods and discuss timely and appropriate interventions. We will also exemplify labours complicated by chorioamnionitis, fetal growth restriction/ placental insufficiency and previous caesarean section. Furthermore, interdisciplinary teamwork will be integrated in case the discussions.
Maria Jonsson, adjunct Professor and senior consultant. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Sweden
Malin Holzmann, associated Professor senior consultant. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Venue: K2, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Scientific writing
This course is targeted at researchers (doctors, midwives and researchers from all specialities and all grades) interested in learning more about the best practices in written scientific communication.
By the end of this course, participants will be able to structure, draft, and refine scientific manuscripts effectively, with a focus on clarity, precision, and adherence to publishing requirements. The session will be interactive, and this will provide opportunities to learn about the good practices of peer-review as well as responding to reviewer comments.
Professor Amar Bhide, St George Hospital and City St. George’s, University of London
Professor Anne Hammer Lauridsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Venue: K3, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Ultrasound imaging of the pelvic floor
Venue: K4, Uppsala Conference and Congress (UKK)
30 participants
Severe postpartum haemorrhage
The target group for the workshop is residents in obstetrics and gynaecology with basic knowledge (theoretic and practical) of postpartum haemorrhage. The aim is to refresh the basics of treatment of postpartum haemorrhage and then move on to medical, surgical and resuscitation considerations in the treatment of severe PPH. We will be working with an interactive case and have hands-on sessions while working us through the case.
Hellen Edwards, Senior Consultant in Obstetrics , Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev, Denmark
Anne Wikkelsø, Consultant in Obstetric Anaesthesia, Copenhagen University Hospital, Roskilde, Denmark
Venue: Wieselsalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
20 participants
Obstetric ultrasound and fetal medicine
The target group for the workshop is residents in obstetrics and gynaecology with basic knowledge (theoretic and practical) of ultrasound during pregnancy. The aim is to learn the principles for estimating fetal well-being and fetal growth during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. We will go through international recommendations for fetal weight assessment, tips and tricks in obtaining the standard planes in obstetric ultrasound, fetal growth restriction, placenta previa and vasa previa, measuring cervical length and ultrasonic features of common fetal abnormalities.
Linda Lindström, PhD and senior consultant in obstetrics and fetal medicine. Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
Mårten Ageheim, PhD and senior consultant in obstetrics and fetal medicine. Uppsala University Hospital, Sweden
Venue: Kjellbergsalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
Gender dysphoria for gynaecologists (and obstetricians)
The target group for the workshop is residents or specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology who have met, or might in the future meet patients with experience of gender dysphoria. The overall aim of the course is to provide the participant with in-depth knowledge and understanding of gender incongruence, associated terminology, the clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment of gender dysphoria, as well as conditions for which a gynecologist/obstetrician might be involved in the care of this group.
After completing the course, the participant should be able to:
· Professionally interact with people who identify as transgender or outside the two-gender norm
· Have an understanding of how gender dysphoria clinical assessments are conducted and the basis for medical treatment
· Overview of different treatment options focusing on hormonal treatment and fertility preservation
· Care for patients with gender dysphoria presenting within the gynecological and obstetrical practice
Kristen Clark, Dr, Uppsala University, Sweden
Mats Holmberg, Senior consultant endocrinology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Alkistis Skalkidou, Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden
Karin Willstrand, Senior consultant, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Venue: Nordlandersalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
Perinatal mental health – from screening to stepped-care
The target group for the workshop is residents and specialists in obstetrics and gynaecology, midwives, nurses and social workers, who are involved or have an interest in perinatal mental health care. The aim is to give a comprehensive introduction to mental health and associated disorders during the perinatal period, international guidelines on screening and treatment, as well as examples of care pathways in the Nordic countries. The course will employ mentimeter-supported short lectures, followed by case presentation and discussions.
Adriana Ramirez, Senior consultant psychiatry, Uppsala University, Sweden
Emma Fransson, Dr, Psychologist, Uppsala University and Region Stockholm, Sweden
Marie Bendix, Dr, Senior consultant psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Venue: Rappesalen, Entrance 10, Uppsala University Hospital
30 participants
Abstract support
Conference date
Congress organizer
Key dates
1 Dec 24
Call for abstracts opens
28 Feb 25
Abstract Submission deadline
13 Apr 25
Abstract notifications to be sent to submitters
20 Apr 25
Deadline Early-bird registrations